Future Stars . . . .
NSFW, NSFW! (at least sort of . . . We are talking bow ties here – but stil)
I am slightly afraid to write this post, but feel duty-bound to alert my reading public to a future star. She is definitely not to be confused with the Sam Jones of Flash Gordon fame or the Boston Celtic. I haven’t even met Sam Jones but her tweets and facebook posts far exceed a mere adjective like “funny,” and her YouTube channel is – well – beyond all words. She designs leather bowties at Barnaby Jones and is a branding expert at A Higher Society. She is 2X naughty and 10X funny. Andy Cohen, get her a show STAT!
Twitter: @leathaqueen
AGAIN – NSFW – yet triply enjoyable because of it! (just know you’ve been warned…)
(PS- her mother could have her own TV show too . . . But I, uh, won’t get into that right now . . .)