Frazer Mingles With Celebs and Pols at White House Correspondents Dinner Festivities

April 27: Accompanied by DC political strategist, Joe McLean, Frazer attended multiple invitation-only events marking this year’s annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner and enjoyed broad-ranging discussions with current and former Members of Congress, top K-Street lobbyists, Hollywood celebrities and journalists. Frazer’s evening began with CQ-Roll Call’s “Cocktails & Conversation,” then moved on to two smaller private functions and concluded with one of DC’s most sought-after tickets, Capitol File’s star-studded after-party, which this year was co-hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center at the Carnegie Library. Among other topics of conversation, Frazer had the opportunity to speak with DC elites about everything from his vision for improving cooperation between the private banking sector and state-managed investment funds to changing trends in global economics. He looks forward to further involvement in Washington and will be returning for follow-up meetings and other events throughout the summer.

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