Their Economy And Nuclear Power Plants May Be A Mess, But The Japanese Still Have Some Tricks Up Their Sleeves

The great office prank (much like the great college dorm prank) is a unique art form somewhere out there on the cutting edge between genius and, well, getting fired. Executed properly, however, it can quickly transform the prankster into a living legend (not to mention he or she who gets “punked”) and provide endless fodder for after-work drinking sessions literally years into the future.

With those thoughts in mind (and even though it’s a few weeks old now), I feel compelled to share the following courtesy of our friends at a company in Japan. Admittedly, there’s room for improvement in the implementation, but the concerted group effort and overall concept are 100% deserving of a trans-pacific salute. Are you so sure you wouldn’t react to this in pretty much exactly the same way?


[“This Velociraptor Chasing A Japanese Office Worker Is The Most Terrifying Office Prank Ever, Business Insider, 8/28/2013]


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