Leslie and Mark Begert, Co-Founders of Fabulingua

In this edition of “Wealth, Actually”, I was able to speak with Leslie and Mark Begert of the newly launched, Fabulingua.  The company helps to accelerate the learning of second languages through a unique blend of technology, storytelling and gamification.  The program is initially focussing on English and Spanish, but the Begerts have big plans for the company in the future.  Today we get to hear more about their journey, the nuts and bolts of the company, and, finally, what it’s like being married entrepreneurs.  Enjoy!

Here is the best way to learn about the company:

Device download link via App Store or Google Play Store: https://fabulingua.app.link/XMJRpLZ9h2

Website: https://www.fabulingua.com/

FB:  https://www.facebook.com/fabulingua

IG:  https://www.instagram.com/fabulinguakids/

Leslie Omana Begert and Mark Begert of Fabulingua

  • Co-founders of Fabulingua, a company borne out of her deep linguistics and psychology training.
  • Fabulingua is devoted to providing a revolutionary way for kids to learn a second language.
  • It uses many of the features of traditional natural story reading and modern gamified learning techniques so popular today.


  • Raised in Barcelona, Leslie is a true polymath with academic backgrounds linguistics, psychology and anthropology from Oxford and Cambridge.
  • She further cultivated her professional experience at Goldman and L’Oreal.
  • She has turned her attention to developing a better way for kids to learn a second language by founding Fabulingua with her husband, Mark.
  • Mark began his career in finance and worked internationally (especially in China with wireless company, Linkstone) before locating in Austin.
  • He began focusing on the clean energy economy at Long Branch Capital and then Meridian Solar before starting Fabulingua

The Importance of being bi-lingual today . . .

  1. How does FabuLingua work?
  2. What if there are no other native speakers in the household?
  3. There are many products out there (Rosetta Stone, Pimsluer, Duoligo)- what makes FabuLingua different and better?
  4. How does the gamification work?  How does the storytelling accelerate the learning process?  Answers to FAQ’s about the site can be found here:  https://www.fabulingua.com/faq-fabulingua
  5. What is the plan for the business?  Where can we start seeing it?
  6. Describe running your own business and entrepreneurship.  How do you balance the raising a family with entrepreneurship?  What is it like working with your husband?
  7. What is the best way for us to keep track of your progress or try FabuLingua out?
  8. Interesting Facts about the Begerts.


You will notice a new format for the podcast.  I hope you enjoy it.

Extra special thanks to Matt Passy who has been extremely helpful in helping me reboot.

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