Because sometimes asking someone to marry you isn’t the most difficult question to “pop”

All the more reason to have both a matrimonial attorney and an estate planning attorney coordinated and on the same page when advising one’s personal affairs:

“Most wealth advisors and lawyers repeat what is already well known: A prenup is the best way to protect the assets you have coming into a marriage. But what if it’s difficult for you to ask the love of your life to sign the dreaded document? Several trust options, not as good as a prenup, can still help you hold on to assets during a divorce. These trusts can protect assets from unintended beneficiaries, facilitate distribution of not-easily-divided assets, and protect postdivorce assets from lawsuits and creditors, says Anthony Fittizzi, wealth-strategies director for U.S. Trust.”

[“Divorce Trusts: If having your loved one sign a prenup is too difficult, here are ways trusts can help shield assets from the marital estate, should a split ever happen.,” Barron’s, 5/18/2013]

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