EP.48 CORONAVIRUS: What is “Normal” Going to Look Like?

First off, we’re sending best wishes to our listeners. Hopefully, everyone is getting by with the onset of the coronavirus. We have a long way to go to get back to some semblance of normalcy, so take care of yourselves.

As always, Haven Pell’s writings can be found here:


In this podcast, Haven and I take on the coronavirus’ various impacts on society.

We got a taste of the generation gap when we heard about the spring-breakers in Florida:

John Branch — normally a sports writer, but with no sports to write, wrote an interesting article on the “late adopters” to the public health crisis that has changed the world:

Deniers and Disbelievers: “If I Get Carona, I Get Carona”

Between these two examples, we try to take the politics out of it and make sense of where “normal life” fits in the pandemic world now . . . and later when the world assimilates the new virus reality into everyday life.

Some of the activities affected in the virus’ progression: rock climbing, Mardi Gras, strip club/lap dance, cherry blossoms, self-quarantine

The NYC experience (social distancing): Trader Joe’s vs Whole Foods and the recognition of crowding dangers for older people  

DC walk- the parks getting used- packed, in fact!

“Essential travel”: Essential to all . . . or to me? 

Remote work: Positive developments to come from this experience

Remote work and the hope that technology (ex. Zoom) for the concept improve. 

The difference between “in person” and “on camera’ skills 

Media presences . . . is the online / on camera experience going to be even more important in regular jobs going forward if we are all teleconferencing?

Collegiate environment . . . What does college look like now that it’s online. Are we going to be missing the personal interactions on campus?

How are we absorbing media on this? Is a little the right amount?

Should we hear from anyone other than professionals and analysts? We certainly like to hear from doctors on issues of “Public health!”


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