Andrew Peek, Intelligence Officer and Foreign Affairs Expert

Podcast #10 was a fun and intense conversation with Foreign Policy and International Relations Expert, Andrew Peek. Andrew is the Director of the Washington Program at Claremont McKenna and an Adjunct Professor at Pepperdine. He is also a former Captain in the US Army and Strategic Advisor to General Joe Allen. He has written and appeared widely in the media and can be found on Twitter at @AndrewLPeek.

We conducted a brief primer on Foreign policy and the Election starting with a quick summary of what we know about the candidates’ viewpoints and approach to working with foreign countries

We started with Hillary Clinton and the evolution of her foreign policy approach.

What do we need to know about Hillary’s world view?

What is the impact of her vast experience and relationships?

What is the impact of Bill’s presence if she wins office?

Our next line of discussion analyzed what we know about Donald Trump- what informs his world view?

How would he go about staffing his foreign policy apparatus?

How does the volatility and inconsistency of message  play out on the world stage?

How would he relate to the military?

Finally we embarked on a quick tour around the world . . .

Terrorism in France and Germany – Nice, Normandy, Paris, Orlando, etc

Germany and Syrian refugee policy

Vlad Putin and Syria/Ukraine/East Europe/Trump


Middle East / ISIS


Europe (NATO)


South America/Mexico

It is a wide ranging discussion with terrific analysis from an expert who lives and breathes these issues and has helped form and implement foreign policy at the highest levels.

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