EP.44: BLOOMBERG / NEVADA / SOUTH CAROLINA – Haven and I Analyze the First Debate and Look at the Democratic Party

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The Democratic Party is in full swing with Bernie Sanders making an early run in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. However questions about his ideas and electability persist.

Joe Biden has stumbled out of the blocks. Elizabeth Warren tries to re-establish her initial leap forward.

Mayor Pete, Tom Steyer, and Amy Klobuchar are trying to build additional momentum as the make their case.

And Michael Bloomberg lurks with the great political equalizer . . . money. Lots of it made as he built his media empire. He also has a record of achievement as the Mayor of New York and as a poor debater after his performance in Nevada.

After watching Donald Trump sweep through a traditional Republican slate in 2016 and shock the world by beating Hillary Clinton in the general election, what should we make of this? What will happen in South Carolina, Super Tuesday and beyond?

Check out the latest polling at https://www.realclearpolitics.com/


– The Democratic Party’s tension between the need to “Beat Trump” vs. the negatives of “Buying the Election.”

– What is the coming DNC dilemma with Bernie Sanders?

– Is the debate format counterproductive?

– What would be the advice to Mayor Bloomberg at this point?

– Without having the benefit of talking to him, what is Trump’s reaction to all of this? 

Bloomberg’s Presence Would Soon Be Felt . . .


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