Common Sense Economics, Common Sense Policy, Dangerously Uninformed Commentary, Finance & Economics, Foreign Affairs (of the non-romantic variety . . .), Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Politics & Policy, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching March 18, 2020 Ep.47 PARTISANSHIP – “Pre-Corona” thoughts on Hidden Common Ground
Common Sense Policy, Foreign Affairs (of the non-romantic variety . . .), Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Politics & Policy, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching February 25, 2020 EP.44: BLOOMBERG / NEVADA / SOUTH CAROLINA – Haven and I Analyze the First Debate and Look at the Democratic Party
Foreign Affairs (of the non-romantic variety . . .), Guest Opinions, Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Politics & Policy, Updates February 21, 2020 EP.43 GLOBALIZATION: Haven and I take on the Emerging Trends in Globalization
Common Sense Policy, Guest Opinions, Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching January 30, 2020 SPORTS SPECIALIZATION: The “Pundficator” and “Wealth, Actually” take on the Pressure of Sports Success
Dangerously Uninformed Commentary, Foreign Affairs (of the non-romantic variety . . .), Guest Opinions, Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Politics & Policy, Updates January 16, 2020 MEGXIT: “The Pundificator” and “Wealth, Actually” take on the Royal Woes
Common Sense Economics, Common Sense Policy, Foreign Affairs (of the non-romantic variety . . .), Guest Opinions, Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Reckless Predictions, Updates January 9, 2020 BEST/WORST of 2019 and Nostradamus-like PREDICTIONS for 2020: Haven (“Pundificator”) and Frazer (“Wealth, Actually”) take on 2019/2020.
Guest Opinions, Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Political Prognostications From A Guy With No Right To Make Them, Politics & Policy, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching January 1, 2020 IMPEACHMENT: The “Pundificator†and “Wealth, Actually†take on Impeachment.
Foreign Affairs (of the non-romantic variety . . .), Guest Opinions, Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Politics & Policy, Updates December 26, 2019 BREXIT: The “Pundificator” and “Wealth, Actually” take on Brexit