In the latest episode of the Wealth Actually podcast, we get to sit down with Scott Johnston the author of Campusland. This is Scott’s second appearance on WA, but the first where Scott discusses his book. It made it to #15 on the New York Times best seller list and #1 in the humorous books section.

In the first part of the podcast, we talked about the incident at his alma mater that got him to write his newest book. We also dove into the business of being an author and the typical hurdles that new authors face. Finally, we spent some time reviewing the typical timetable and scheduling that goes into the production and launch of a book.

In the second part, we probed some ground around Campusland’s subject matter: the new environment of the college campus and what that means today.

  • A description of the problem Scott saw on campuses and why it was great material to write about.
  • The effect of wealth in the collegiate process both at the endowment and the student level.
  • What are the numbers and the data behind the college environment?
  • How did the admissions numbers game get so lopsided?
  • When did the college campus environment change from the goals of inclusion and diversity of thought to other agendas?
  • What is the impact on the politics of this country?
  • Do alumni have any other options than to divorce themselves and their checkbook from their schools?
  • Was the recent admissions bribery scandal to be expected?
  • What is the impact of online learning? Coronavirus absences?
  • The coming financial difficulties for smaller colleges
  • Can a major university close down? Should it close down?
  • What is the way forward? Are repurposed college campuses an interesting solution for our seniors?
  • How do we keep track of you and Campusland?

Scott is on Twitter (@SJohnston60) and CAMPUSLAND can be found here:

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