Nickerson PR Technologist and Virtual Reality Expert, Matthew Cooney

I recently spoke to Matt Cooney at NICKERSON PR about the development of Virtual and Augmented Reality. We charted the differences and Matt made predictions about the future of this technology on a variety of industries and businesses including real estate. This is fascinating stuff and vital as we try to understand where the trends in economic growth and employment are going.

Forming and engaging communities has been the common thread in Matthew Cooney’s career path. He has built and scaled social media communities for organizations including the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at M.I.T., iRobot, and Monster. Prior to joining NICKERSON, an award-winning full service marketing and communications agency, as Director of Social Media and Emerging Technologies, he served as a subject matter expert on virtual reality technology at Dell EMC.

Today, he works at the intersection of real estate and emerging technologies, witnessing firsthand how virtual and augmented reality technologies are disrupting social media and the way we live and interact in both the real and digital worlds.

Samantha Wolfe provides quick definition of Virtual and Augmented Reality HERE and a list of the typical tools and interface points HERE


– How did you get started in the technology space?

– VR versus AR: what they are/what’s the difference?

– What are practical applications for both?

– How are they being used?  Entertainment, Education, Enhancement

-How can these technological concepts be developed?

-Who are the major players?

-Where are the hotbeds of innovation?

-What are the hurdles to adoption?

-Technological limitations?

-Ethical concerns?

-Are there multiple approaches to the same problem?

-What are the security concerns?

-How does this intersect with the major leaps made recently with Artificial Intelligence? Big Data?

-How does this intersect with the advances made in robotics and exoskeleton/cybernetic technology?

-What does the future hold, both near term and within the next five years, and beyond?

-What is exciting in space?

-What is worrisome?

-What industries are are in the crosshairs?

-What will the impact be on social media?

-Specifically, how we consume and share content, and congregate and interact online?

-How do we keep up to date on NICKERSON and what you are working on?

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