Common Sense Economics, Dangerously Uninformed Commentary, Entrepreneurs, Finance & Economics, Guest Opinions, Podcasts, Politics & Policy, Psychology, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching May 25, 2020 Ep.57 – DIVORCE in the COVID-19 World with EVAN SCHEIN
Common Sense Economics, Entrepreneurs, Finance & Economics, Financial Essentials, Guest Opinions, Podcasts, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching May 4, 2020 EP.55 ESTATE PLANNING & TENNESSEE TRUST LAW with AARON FLINN of the WALLER LAW FIRM
Common Sense Economics, Current Market Data, Entrepreneurs, Finance & Economics, Financial Essentials, Frazer's "Go-To" Finance Websites, Guest Opinions, Podcasts, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching April 23, 2020 Ep.52 LEANNA HAAKONS- Sound Money Strategies in the COVID-19 Lockdown Environment
Common Sense Economics, Entrepreneurs, Finance & Economics, Guest Opinions, People Who Actually Know What They're Talking About, Podcasts, Politics & Policy, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching February 12, 2020 EP.42 CRYPTO-TAXATION: Prager Metis’ Peter Goodrich on the State of Crypto-Currency Taxation