Common Sense Economics, Common Sense Policy, Finance & Economics, Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Politics & Policy, Updates March 23, 2020 EP.48 CORONAVIRUS: What is “Normal” Going to Look Like?
Common Sense Economics, Common Sense Policy, Dangerously Uninformed Commentary, Finance & Economics, Foreign Affairs (of the non-romantic variety . . .), Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Politics & Policy, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching March 18, 2020 Ep.47 PARTISANSHIP – “Pre-Corona” thoughts on Hidden Common Ground
Common Sense Economics, Common Sense Policy, Entertainment, Entrepreneurs, Finance & Economics, Podcasts, Politics & Policy, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching March 7, 2020 Ep.45: FANBOYS . . . Taking on Fanboys, Haters and the Cancel Culture
Common Sense Policy, Foreign Affairs (of the non-romantic variety . . .), Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Politics & Policy, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching February 25, 2020 EP.44: BLOOMBERG / NEVADA / SOUTH CAROLINA – Haven and I Analyze the First Debate and Look at the Democratic Party
Common Sense Policy, Guest Opinions, Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching January 30, 2020 SPORTS SPECIALIZATION: The “Pundficator” and “Wealth, Actually” take on the Pressure of Sports Success
Common Sense Economics, Common Sense Policy, Foreign Affairs (of the non-romantic variety . . .), Guest Opinions, Podcasts, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Reckless Predictions, Updates January 9, 2020 BEST/WORST of 2019 and Nostradamus-like PREDICTIONS for 2020: Haven (“Pundificator”) and Frazer (“Wealth, Actually”) take on 2019/2020.
Common Sense Policy, Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Political Prognostications From A Guy With No Right To Make Them, Politics & Policy, Updates, Worth Reading and Watching November 4, 2018 Election Day – Tuesday, November 6th
Common Sense Policy, Entrepreneurs, Fragments From A Life Of Mystery, Intrigue, Death-Defying Escapades (and occasional days spent calculating municipal bond yields), Insider Information – Well, Sort of . . ., Political Expressions and the Occasional Rant, Updates October 28, 2018 My Time in Jail